Your study programme for digitalization and sustainability

Digital Technologies is the joint study programme of the  Clausthal University of Technology and the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences and is based at DIGIT. In their study programme, both universities teach the topics of tomorrow's world. To do this, they combine their power from regional roots, close networking of natural sciences, engineering and economics as well as their good contacts to companies and external institutions.


Your study program for digitization & sustainability

Your practice-oriented computer science degree

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES is the innovative degree program for applied computer science at Ostfalia University and TU Clausthal, launched in 2019. Since 2023, there is the possibility to work at one of our strong practice partners during your studies - study and earn money at the same time! ►More

Exciting digitization projects, fewer exams

At the heart of our study program are the interdisciplinary digitization projects. In them, you gain practical experience every semester! In cross-semester teams, you and your fellow students will develop creative, sustainable solutions to the problems of our time, just like professionals. ►More

Choose your area of specialization

In addition to studying computer science, you will specialize in the industry of your choice in our application areas! And these are our current six application areas: Autonomous Systems, Circular Economy & Environmental Technology, Digital Transformation, Energy, Industry 4.0 and Mobility. ►More

Develop innovations for a sustainable future

We not only value sustainability in every respect, but also promote innovative ideas that contribute to sustainable development far beyond the startup! The perfect environment as an incubator for your career: Whether industry, science or your own start-up!

The study program at a glance...

The application-oriented and interdisciplinary  bachelor´s degree programme DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES imparts competences for successful digitisation in industry, research and administration, which often takes place at the transition from computer science to the application field. The foundation of the study programme are the subjects of computer science. In addition, students choose their individual field of application as early as the second semester. On the Ostfalia side, the participating faculties of Electrical Engineering, Karl-Scharfenberg, Mechanical Engineering and Supply Engineering are involved here in addition to the Faculty of Computer Science. On the TU Clausthal side, the faculties of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering as well as Energy and Economics are involved. The knowledge from both areas, computer science and the application area, is linked in the digitisation projects. Here, students work on practically relevant issues from the first semester onwards.

The application-oriented and interdisciplinary  Master´s programme DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES  is characterised by the unique combination of the subjects of computer science, the six exciting application areas and the interdisciplinary digitisation projects. Due to this combination within the four-semester programme, you will become an expert in digitalisation, its technologies and in digital transformation.