
Our offers have one goal - to forge qualified teams for innovative ideas. Therefore, the focus is not only on the technical product but much more on the network and the mutual inspiration of the team members. Anyone who has an idea can express it freely. Motivated partners from the silverLabs network are committed to the ideas they like.

We offer the following training and consulting services...

Awareness on the Net - My Data Belongs to Me!

We spend a lot of time every day using apps or surfing the web. This workshop teaches students what personal data is collected and stored while using apps and surfing the web and what happens to this data afterwards. A keynote lecture provides skills on how tracking and data use by apps works. It also provides insights into how users can make data storage and use processes transparent to themselves. In the subsequent practical part, the participants of the workshop will try out the mentioned methods exemplarily and apply them to practical examples.

Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Ina Schiering (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, Institute for Information Engineering)

    Prerequisites & equipment needed: If possible, students should bring their own end devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops. No other prior knowledge is required.

    Who can participate? Students in grades 10 and up

    Group size: 10-20 people

    Time frame: 1 .5-3 hours

    Where can the workshop take place?

    • at our DIGIT in Goslar or
    • at your school or
    • in the training room of the Ostfalia

    UX Design - First Steps of App Development

    You don't want to go to school anymore? Then come and join us! Make your own app and become a startup millionaire in just one and a half hours! Win the first ten likes! No, all kidding aside! But have you ever wondered how your favorite app came to be? Basically, any product can be considered a service these days. And this can be presented along a so-called customer experience.

    How do you design a target group-oriented service that doesn't yet exist? After a brief introduction to the topic of user experience design, the participants divide into small working groups. Together they find new solutions using creative techniques and learn under our competent guidance to prepare and present them precisely on a concept poster.

    Workshop leader:

    • Dominique Briechle, M.Sc. (DIGIT)
    • Norman Schlüter, M.A. (DIGIT)
    • Hannes Thies, M.A. (DIGIT)

    Requirements & necessary equipment: None, except for interest in the topic and good mood (as online workshop: mouse, keyboard, headset, webcam, a stable internet connection)

    Who can participate? Students from grade 9

    Group size: 5-35 people

    Time frame: 1 .5-3 hours

    Where can the workshop take place?

    • at our DIGIT in Goslar or
    • at your school or
    • as an online workshop

    Other workshops offered by our members...

    Our member Prof. Dr. Ligocki from the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, has been realizing exciting workshops for students for some time now.

    You can find his offer here:


    Workshop buchen

    Do you have questions about our offer or would you like to book a workshop?

    Then contact us by e-mail: